Andy Rooney says Fikak!

Friday, April 30, 2010

2nd post of the evening. Probably too much, but you know what? That's what you get. Random thoughts to ponder, argue, or agree with. Feel the flow, do the bull dance. Here we go.

  • Sleigh Bells is the new Crystal Castles. Energy.
  • Ted Leo might be 45 years old but 'catchy' might as well be his middle name.
  • To The Advantage, Battles, Alan Braxe, and Rob Crow - where are you?
  • Although I love most animals, the dog that lives above me needs to stop barking at every move I make before I go Ron Artest on his life!!!
  • Are the Beastie Boys not the biggest pioneers since Lewis and Clark?
  • Why are first albums usually the best?
  • If you watch the movie 'Half Nelson', Broken Social Scene will most likely become your new best friend.
  • Flight of the Conchords is way underrated. Should I say that again? Yes. Flight of the Conchords is way underrated.
  • Jay-Z IS the greatest rapper alive. I saw it in an encyclopedia yesterday.
  • Cansei de ser Sexy has more than just 'Music is my hot, hot sex'. For Brazilians.
  • Songs that could get a dead person psyched - 'All Medicated Geniuses' Pretty Girls Make Graves, 'Pull Out' Death From Above 1979, 'This Calling' All That Remains, 'XXZXCUZX Me' Crystal Castles, 'Man the Change' Hot Water Music.
  • A new FIKAK! stand-by - "If someone questions your tastes, question their life." Proverbs 45.23
  • It's just a matter of time until Albert Pujols literally knocks the leather off of a baseball. Oh yeah, all naturally.
  • I can't wait till I have enough cash to get a new computer with an advanced music program installed so the son of KFG can be born - Closed Casket. Hold on, brother. We'll see you soon.
So that might be enough. Just wanted to start a bit of discussion. I could keep going but I wanna save up some other thoughts when I get bored and I hope we don't get sued for using that likeness. Later daters.

J. Robbins: Man, Myth, Legend

Most of you probably already know who J. Robbins is. He's the frontman for Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Channels, etc.. But, what you may not know is that he has produced all of your favorite albums...well practically. I always knew he produced a few different things that I love, but I figured it was time to make another list, so here we go! This is my list of the top 10 J. Robbins produced albums. You're gonna want to shake this guy's hand after this one. I'm going in chronological order starting with the earliest, because if Texas is the Reason happens to end up in any position but first, I will most likely be in a lot of trouble. Know your audience! Ha! Anyway feel free to debate, that's what lists are for, although this may be a hard one to disagree with...

Top 10 J. Robbins Produced Albums
1. Texas is the Reason - Do You Know Who You Are? - 1996
2. 400 Years - Transmit Failure - 1998
3. Sleepytime Trio - Memory Minus - 1998
4. Kerosene 454 - At Zero - 1998
5. Braid - Frame and Canvas - 1998
6. Jets to Brazil - Orange Rhyming Dictionary - 1998
7. Burning Airlines - Mission Control! - 1999
8. Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I - 1999
9. Engine Down - To Bury Within the Sound - 2000
10. Faraquet - The View From This Tower - 2000

On another note, in 2007 J. Robbins' son Callum was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy. It is an incurable nerve disorder. There have been a number of benefits played to raise money for Callum. Here is a link to the DeSoto Records website that has some information about Callum, SMA, and a also a place where you can make donations.

M.I.A - Born Free

If you haven't seen or heard of this video yet here is your chance to...well...your chance to be completely appalled. The video contains everything that should give it a rating of at least 'NC-17' and quite possibly a rating that has not been created yet. It was directed by the guy who did 'A Cross the Universe'. Not the movie with Beatles covers, but the one following electro-studs Justice. Not really important to mention that, but nevertheless. It has been taken off of YouTube in the US as it has drug use, nudity, disgusting nudity, violence, bloody violence, 'Saving Private Ryan' type of violence, and a good, ol' fashioned holocaust. The song isn't really any good at all so watch at your own risk and with no little people in the viewing area. Sorry.

Sleigh Bells "Tell 'Em"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here is another new song from the upcoming Sleigh Bells album "Treats." It comes out on May 11, 2010. You can download it (and have your mind blown) here. I'm just posting this one so Tyler can listen to it. Tell 'em!

Sleigh Bells - Tell 'Em

More from A.V. Club's "Undercover"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Upon further investigation, this seems to be a pretty decent concept. They've picked out 25 songs that will be covered (although some of the song choices are a bit baffling). Once a band covers a song, it's crossed off the list, therefore reducing the amount of choices for the bands that hop on board later in the project. You can learn more about the whole shebang and check out all of the previously completed covers here. Still some awesome songs to be covered. Here's the truly awesome Retribution Gospel Choir covering all-time greats The Beach Boys (why they chose "Kokomo" for this project is beyond me):

Maritime Cover Depeche Mode, Announce New Label & Album

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maritime covered Depeche Mode for The Onion's "A.V. Club" recently (there's a keytar involved!), and also announced they've signed to Dangerbird Records (home to Silversun Pickups, Minus the Bear, etc.). An album will be hitting the streets later this year. Enjoy:

Gorillaz on Colbert

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gorillaz gave an actual real-life performance in the flesh, sans holograms, on Colbert last Thursday. It's been a busy/crazy weekend, but don't worry, this hasn't gone stale yet:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Gorillaz - Stylo
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

Broken Social Scene Live on Letterman

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here is the spectacle that is Broken Social Scene playing the song "Forced to Love" on Letterman, April 22, 2010. See if you can find Waldo!

180° South, with Issac Brock, James Mercer & more!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

First of all, Ugly Casanova's 2002 album Sharpen Your Teeth is one of my favorite albums of all time and now we're getting some more! The documentary "180 South: Conquerors of the Useless" will be released on DVD, June 8th. According to a press release, 180 South "retraces Yvon Chouinard's and Doug Tompkins' epic 1968 journey to Patagonia through the eyes of adventurer Jeff Johnson." The soundtrack features Issac Brock/Ugly Casanova, James Mercer of The Shins, Mason Jennings, and Love As Laughter, and will be released on June 22 on Brushfire Records. It looks like there are 9 Ugly Casanova songs, one of which is "Hotcha Girls" from Sharpen Your Teeth, the other 8 are all new! There are 2 songs from James Mercer including a cover of Neil Young's "Journey Through the Past", and then 1 from Mason Jennings, Love As Laughter, and Jack Johnson respectively. As far as I know, there is no word on whether it will be Ugly Casanova in true form, or if it will just be Brock. Here's to hoping John Orth and Tim Rutili make appearances! Emmet Malloy, director of White Stripes' Under Great White Northern Lights, produced the film and put together the soundtrack. Exciting stuff kids! Here is a trailer for the film and a track list below...

180° South

01 Ugly Casanova: "Mountains of Storms"
02 Ugly Casanova: "Here's to Now"
03 Mason Jennings: "Machines"
04 James Mercer: "Doug's Theme"
05 Ugly Casanova: "Wave Goodbye"
06 Ugly Casanova: "Lonesome Blues"
07 James Mercer: "Journey Through the Past"
08 Ugly Casanova: "Hotcha Girls"
09 Jack Johnson: "Spring Wind"
10 Ugly Casanova: "Maybe We're Lost"
11 Ugly Casanova: "Corcovado"
12 Love as Laughter: "Coconut Flakes"
13 Ugly Casanova: "The Geezer"
14 Ugly Casanova: "Lay Me Down"


Flaming Lips play Floyd on Fallon

Well, I guess with the way NBC has handled themselves lately, it should come as no surprise that the way they run their website is not much different. So once again, here is the whole episode from April 16, 2010. Yes you have to click all the way to the end and then watch a 30 second commercial but it is totally worth it. Flaming Lips play Pink Floyd's "Breathe" and it's pretty spectacular. And if you're feeling frisky, the Tracy Morgan part is pretty damn funny as well. Enjoy.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Record Store Day everybody, from all of us here at Fikak! Here is a list of a lot the 2010 Record Store Day releases including a Moon & Antarctica repress, Flaming Lips doing Floyd, and the ever strange Bon Iver/Peter Gabriel collabo. (Really, go get this stuff. The exclusive stuff is usually worth quite a bit!) And of course there are lots and lots more, so go out to your local record store and support the cause! If you're in the area, why not spend the day at Parasol Records in Champaign/Urbana? (and then you say "Why should I do that?" and then I say "Because...") They're releasing six exclusive 7"s from New Ruins, Mazes, Common Loon, Elsinor, Unbunny, & Cameron McGill & What Army. Live music in the store from New Ruins at 1pm, Elsinor at 2pm, Jake Fleischli, the Tractor King at 3pm, & Mazes at 4pm. So, go check out the scene, man! Your other plans can wait! Also, here is a short interview with friend, Werewolf Diarist, & New Ruiner Elzie Sexton from an online mag called Smile Politely. It's a celebration bitches! (I know, it's kind of an old joke by now.)

Spoon w/ Bradford Cox on Kimmel 4/15

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dr. Dog does Fallon

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dr. Dog on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon playing "Strangers" from their new album Shame, Shame. The album came out last Tuesday, April 6th on Anti- Records. Below is a performance of the song "Station" they evidently recorded back stage on the show as well. Cool dog!

Big Boi - Shutterbug

Monday, April 12, 2010

Another intensely good track from the still unreleased Sir Luscious Left Foot. Now, I'm not going to claim that this is a sure thing but according to Big Boi's Twitter, this album has an "official" release date! So, on July 6th before you head out to buy it, maybe check back and make sure there's not a new "official" release date. But, all nonsense aside, this album is going to be ridiculous. If I had a most anticipated list, it would be this album 1 through 10, oh and I guess The National, Minus The Bear, etc. might be in there somewhere too.

Big Boi - Shutterbug

Steady as she goes'nt?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

So you're really pumped about one of your favorite band's new album. The release date comes closer and closer and anticipation is boiling over. You get a preview of one of the new songs and possibly a viewing of the cover art. As you wait patiently you start to wonder what direction this band is going to take the new album. You figure they might make it harder or groovier or they just might stick to the same formula that made you like them in the first place. So the time comes when you finally hear the album in its entirety and for some reason it completely blows. For example, say you've been out with your buddies, meet up with some broad, you feel like you're making a good impression and this might go somewhere. Then you buckle down, suck it up, cross your fingers and ask her to hang out again. You're riding a high, whether natural or alcohol induced, but then you're brought back to Earth or lower because the chick just punched you in the gut. That feeling rings too true. You feel awful, let down, almost betrayed. You have no real relationship or connection but for some reason the other party smacks you in the face. I've been there, other people have and I hope you have too cause if not then I want your life. The point of this is to try and get a bit of discussion and maybe some insight. I wanted to try and name some of the biggest artist let downs I have encountered and feel free to list your own cause it may make you feel better. Cause venting and complaining never feels better.

"Surely you're not talking about us."

Oh good grief, it's the Beta Band. Do you realize what you did to so many people? You literally broke hearts around the world.

"Seriously? Broke hearts? Do you realize how difficult it is create records that are enjoyable? Not to get too defensive but I'd like to see you try. Honestly, was 'Heroes to Zeros' that bad?"

Yes!!! Very!!! It made no sense. Even the album artwork was terrible. Honestly, you guys went from a wide following to basically sprinting face first, willingly into a black hole. Who does that? You guys can't even say that you fell into the category of signing a major contract and having other people sticking their fingers in your soup. You literally jumped on a grenade and saved no one.

"Hey! We're not the only band to do that. I'm sure other artists have struggled to keep the fans happy. I mean, look at Elliot Smith. What happened to that guy? He pretty much vanished after 'Figure 8'. And don't tell me that album was his greatest."

He friggin' killed himself! With a steak knife! Don't tell me you're that far off from reality. However, you're right. It wasn't his greatest but it wasn't bad. At least he went off with like a B.A. Homeboy can go ahead and call himself one of the greatest songwriters that ever walked this planet.

"Well, I guess we didn't know that. Our bad. Surely you can come up with some other respectable bands that hit the skids prematurely. We can't be the only ones."

You're right. You're not. But I'll go ahead and chalk you guys up for being the poster child for biggest let down that I can remember. But here we go. I'll go ahead and name a number of others who walked the plank without coercion.

"Thanks. By the way, it's been rumored that we are working on a free-form jazz album that may or may not include the ghost of Dave Brubeck. Put that in your pipe and smoke it the eff up."

Whatever. Dream on. Next thing you'll say is that Bradley Nowell will be a guest vocalist/guitarist joined by Keith Moon playing the bongos. But anyways, I hope this list makes you feel a bit better, but it shouldn't. You guys need medicated therapy. But just so you know I'm not even gonna put you on the list because you are on a whole different list by yourselves. Congratulations, dopes.
  • Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze: Hard to follow up from 'Songs for the Deaf' but gimme a break. Seriously not a single song to complement. Thank goodness Josh Homme has done a good job in Them Crooked Vultures.
  • Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple: Kind of in the same category. 'St. Elsewhere' was so good that it pretty much changed an entire year. I will give the song 'Blind Mary' a thumbs up.
  • Built to Spill - You in Reverse: Maybe age played a factor or maybe he wasted his tasty licks on his solo stuff but this just fell flat. Only redeeming factor was when the leaked copy came out and it had some guy yelling "who is Mike Jones?" every 30 seconds.
  • The Hives - The Black and White Album: The previous albums were so good that I still get pumped when I hear any song from them. This album only produces tears and hair loss when I think about it.
  • Hot Water Music - No Division: This album pretty much marks the steep decline of what used to be the most intense, no nonsense, rock band with the most conviction that I have ever encountered. Although I like it at times, it still cannot even compare to everything that came before. I literally get chills, seriously, from 'Forever and Counting' and 'Fuel for the Hate Game'. Too bad.
  • Alkaline Trio - From Here to Infirmary: Another band falls into the trap of trying to appeal to a certain crowd. Why not just stick to what worked? I personally think it was the loss of Glenn Porter. One of the few drummers in the world who can take a mediocre song and turn it into your favorite.
  • Mew - No More Stories: I can say that I was really stoked about a new album from a band that had such a heavy sound with great melodies that, somehow, incorporated a falsetto singer. I heard the single they released and felt okay about it but still thought there had to be more, bigger songs to compliment it. Nope.
  • Jimmy Eat World - Futures: 'Clarity' and 'Bleed American' along with various EP's really made this a band with concrete promise of progressing into stud-dom. Honestly, this is one of those forgettable albums that makes you realize that they have peaked. Haven't listened to anything new since. Do they have anything recently?
I could probably keep going for a bit but you get the point. Let your frustration flow in the comments below. Whatever it is, whether I agree or not, I feel your pain.

Drive-By Truckers play Fallon

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sorry, I'm a few days late on this one, oh well. Here is Drive-By Truckers playing the song "Birthday Boy" on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. It's off their new album "The Big To-Do." I'm really getting into this album. I never knew much about them and always thought they were kind of a joke band, but this stuff is really good! It's pretty straight forward country/indie rock. They're all really good, but my favorite song so far is "The Wig He Made Her Wear." I think it totally sounds like a Modest Mouse song. Have yourself a listen...

The Wig He Made Her Wear

ryanslist: Top 10 "Indie" Labels

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's time once again for another completely objective (not) list from yours truly. The subject? I suppose the title gave that one away, so we'll move on to defining how I've defined the list:
  • How do we define which labels are "indie" labels and which ones aren't? This is a bit more hazy than I expected it to be. There are those labels that are obviously not considered independent because they are prominent members of the RIAA and own almost the entire known world: EMI, Warner Music Group, Sony BMG, and Universal Music Group. Each of those run a number of smaller labels (i.e. Warner Bros., Atlantic, Arista, Interscope, Columbia, RCA, etc.). So we can throw all of those out. Beyond that, there is a bit of a "gray" area. For one, many independent labels are at least partially owned by these major conglomerates (Sub Pop is 49% owned by Warner Music Group), and many more are actually listed as members of the RIAA. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll be up front about the fact that this list is a pretty liberal one: Many of the labels listed on the RIAA's site are there because of marketing and/or distribution deals. So if a label fell into that category or if a major label didn't own a controlling interest, I considered that label fair game. When I wasn't sure I checked with RIAA Radar. Take issue with that if you will.
  • How do we actually define which "indie" labels were chosen for the list? This basically came down to a question within a question: Artists or albums? Ultimately I decided to go with albums for one reason: Artists can move from label to label, and at the independent level it seems as though they can just about do that whenever they want (not so amongst the majors). The albums those bands produce, on the other hand, remain with the labels for the entirety of that labels existence (for the most part). So, for me, labels truly will always be defined by the music that they release, not the bands that they are currently home to. I suppose you could base a list off of what bands a label discovered, but that's getting too muddy and time consuming for me.
Speaking of consuming time, I've done too much of that already. I'll list a couple of albums as a short argument for each label, but for the sake of brevity there won't be any all-inclusive lists, and I only listed one album from any particular artist on that label, max. I'm sure many will have problems with the parameters I've set or the arguments I've presented, but so be it; Off we go:

10. Tigerstyle
Know By Heart American Analog Set
A Data Learn The Language Mercury Program
Two Conversations The Appleseed Cast

9. DeSoto
Mission: Control! Burning Airlines
Emergency & I The Dismemberment Plan
This Is The Way It Goes And Goes Juno

8. Touch & Go
Anahata June of 44
Spiderland Slint
Summer in Abaddon Pinback

7. Matador
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain Pavenment
Twin Cinema The New Pornographers
Turn on the Bright Lights Interpol

6. XL
Ratatat Ratatat
The Loon Tapes n' Tapes
Vampire Weekend Vampire Weekend

5. Jade Tree
Nothing Feels Good The Promise Ring
Hashin' It Out Euphone
Orange Rhyming Dictionary Jets To Brazil

4. Polyvinyl
American Football American Football
Frame & Canvas Braid
The Californian Sunday's Best

3. Merge
Kill the Moonlight Spoon
Funeral Arcade Fire
Madonna And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

2. Sub Pop
Diary Sunny Day Real Estate
Bleach Nirvana
Our Endless Numbered Days Iron & Wine
Give Up Postal Service
Everything All The Time Band of Horses

1. Dischord
Out of Step Minor Threat
The View From This Tower Faraquet
End Hits Fugazi
Novelty Jawbox
Different Damage Q And Not U
Remember, this is just one know-nothing's opinion. Let's hear your take!

Dischord: An Impression

Saturday, April 3, 2010

This is sort of a companion piece to Ryan's last post. Faraquet's View From This Tower is one of my absolute favorite albums of all time and I've been waiting for close to the last 2 years for the vinyl to be repressed...and it's finally here!!! I just put an order in for Faraquet - View From This Tower, Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart, Q and Not U - No Kill No Beep Beep, and the new Medications, and let's just say I'm a little more than excited. Here is the list of all the represses that are available. They're all re-cut from the original tapes and remastered. Super boss. In my mind, Dischord is the quintessential label. They've worked hard to not fall in line with the corporate mentality, they keep prices low so you can buy music the artists want you to hear, and it's very obvious that they put the music first! So go buy some stuff because they deserve your money, and because you could probably order once a week and still find stuff you want, because let's face's Dischord! Also, I just kind of happened upon this short documentary that was made about the label. It's only about 15 minutes long but it's pretty cool. Check it hard.

An Impression: Dischord Records.

Retro Motion: Faraquet's "Cut Self Not"

Yesterday, in a post dealing with Medication's upcoming album, I mentioned "one of the best bands no one ever talked about." Today, I'm feeling compelled to talk about them. All the way back in the year 2000, my then fiance (now wife) and I drove a bazillion miles up to Chicago to watch Hey Mercedes at the Fireside Bowl, which I believe has since converted back into an actual bowling alley again. Hey Mercedes at that time were playing about their 20th show ever and were still more so recognized as a Braid reunion minus Chris Broach than the Vagrant band trying (in vein) to break through on MTV. Faraquet just so happened to be the other band that was also opening for Rocket From the Crypt that evening. Boy was I in for a surprise. I had absolutely never heard of these guys, who happened to share a city, label, and a similar sound with Fugazi. But when they started in with "Cut Self Not", I was floored, and the rest of the night immediately became the icing rather than the cake. That experience has never left me, and neither has the relevance of The View From This Tower, Faraquet's one and only LP. I realize that if you follow this blog at all, chances are that you've already heard these guys, but if that's not the case, do yourself a huge favor and give this a listen:

Sleigh Bells

Friday, April 2, 2010

Well, I'm honestly not sure what to say about these guys so I'll start with the facts. Sleigh Bells is a female/male duo comprised of Derek Miller and Alexis Krauss. Evidently they are the 2 leftovers after the other members of their group left to form Surfer Blood, of which I am totally a fan. They're releasing their first full length on May 11th on NEET Recordings, which is run by M.I.A.. There's something about it I really dig, but I don't necessarily love all the songs I've heard. I think it's the lo-fi rock sound mixed with some pretty filthy hip-hop beats. So, listen to it and let me know if I'm crazy. Here are a couple songs that are pretty boss.

Crown On The Ground

Infinity Guitars

Fang Island

Fang Island is a new band from Brooklyn, New York. They've got kind of a prog/math/indie rock sound. Some of the guitar stuff reminds me of Ratatat. It's just pretty intense, noisy rock that will make you keep checking to see if your head is still there. They just released their self titled album on Sargent House, home of bands such as Red Sparowes and Russian Circles. It's so so def.

Welcome Wagon

The Illinois

Coming Soon: Medications' "Completely Removed"

One of the best bands no one ever talked about, Faraquet, disbanded a few years ago and then mostly re-banded (?) a few years after that to form Medications. For the most part, Medications has sounded like Faraquet with a different name over the course of their two releases. That may change with the release of their second full length, Completely Removed, or so it seems based off the only track to be leaked thus far, "Long Day". Obviously this is a small sample size, and the track sounds great, but it sounds like some of the edge has gone from previous Medications and Faraquet releases. Ironic that this possible transformation might have been triggered by the departure of the bands bassist, who happens to be the only guy that wasn't also in Faraquet. No matter what, you can pretty much count on Removed totally dominating, so hopefully April 20th will quit being so pokey and get here.

Band of Horses: "Compliments"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ben Bridwell and the rest of BoH are releasing a new album on the 18th of May. It's called Infinite Arms, and, judging by "Compliments", they're perfecting their unique brand of southern-fried indie rock. Just a word of warning though, the bedrock of this video is the whole Michael Jackson "Black or White" special effect (you know, where they morph different people from one to the next). The difference is they use entire landscapes instead of people, and it's kind of disorienting. Hope you brought your puke bucket:

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