Retro Motion: Faraquet's "Cut Self Not"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Yesterday, in a post dealing with Medication's upcoming album, I mentioned "one of the best bands no one ever talked about." Today, I'm feeling compelled to talk about them. All the way back in the year 2000, my then fiance (now wife) and I drove a bazillion miles up to Chicago to watch Hey Mercedes at the Fireside Bowl, which I believe has since converted back into an actual bowling alley again. Hey Mercedes at that time were playing about their 20th show ever and were still more so recognized as a Braid reunion minus Chris Broach than the Vagrant band trying (in vein) to break through on MTV. Faraquet just so happened to be the other band that was also opening for Rocket From the Crypt that evening. Boy was I in for a surprise. I had absolutely never heard of these guys, who happened to share a city, label, and a similar sound with Fugazi. But when they started in with "Cut Self Not", I was floored, and the rest of the night immediately became the icing rather than the cake. That experience has never left me, and neither has the relevance of The View From This Tower, Faraquet's one and only LP. I realize that if you follow this blog at all, chances are that you've already heard these guys, but if that's not the case, do yourself a huge favor and give this a listen:


Anonymous,  April 6, 2010 at 10:54 AM  

Hey, are you aware of the Faraquet anthology Dischord just released? It's also a must have for any Faraquet fan. There some stuff on there I was never able to ger my hands on. I first saw them open for Burning Airlines a couple nights in a row and I was hooked. Can't wait for the new Medications

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