Fikaked: April!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
1. Unfortunately, it sounds like NBC is planning to pull the plug on one of the best shows on television, Life. Apparently the "let's move the show to a different time slot every week and see if anyone can guess when it's on" campaign didn't turn out too well. Nice one, NBC. Boo.
2. Free Richard Alpert! Hopefully this is accurate. It's been a long time coming...
3. Jeremy Enigk's new album, OK Bear, is out there, finally, and it's really solid. Continues along the same lines as World Waits, but not as dramatic or produced. "Mind Idea" is awesome.
4. Best top 5 American Idol has put together since I've been watching the show. No question. They don't know how to shut up, and Adam is downright obnoxious, but all of them can definitely blow.

5. Finally watched Role Models this week. HILARIOUS.
6. Iron & Wine have released both an odds-and-ends compilation (Around the Well) and a live album (Norfolk). I don't have to tell you they're both great - it's Iron & Wine, isn't it?
7. I had a friend call me the other day to let me know that only about 5 people showed up to a Junior Boys show in Lexington, KY. I'm assuming people there are still trying to get their lives back together after the Wildcats lackluster basketball season. There really is no other possible explanation.
8. The new Dirty Projectors album, Bitte Orca is at best a grower, and at worst something that I'm never going to be able to figure out/get into. Their collaboration with David Byrne on Dark Was the Night and the first single from Bitte, "Stillness is the Move", are both pretty catchy, but evidently that isn't their m.o. Definitely not for everybody.

9. Is there anything cooler on the internet than Daytrotter? Here's a list of all the bands that have played for them (you can download their performances for free on the site, by the way).
10. Two other absolutely awesome websites: This is Why You're Fat & FailBlog. Go check 'em out. Guaranteed you'll be a repeat customer.
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