iPud: New Gorilliaz
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Why? Because Damon Albarn can, that's why.
It's that time again, skillets. 2010 has been filled with new babies, school, work, and, unfortunately, maybe a little less blogging than we would've liked, but the end of the year is upon us, and Howard Hughes insatiable hunger for the mother of all list-making opportunities is not to be denied. And so Fikak's first "best of" list as a triumvirate will cap off 2010 with our 10 favorite albums and 10 favorite tracks from the past 358-ish days. Maybe next year we'll do 11. Enjoy, and tell your friends.
I love it when bands do this. Seriously, when it comes down to it, all the anticipation, expectations, and hype that come with the waiting for the next great album, movie, etc. is at worst extremely detrimental and at best completely worthless. Something is going to be either good or bad regardless of what we expect it to be, and 9 out of 10 times the only impact expectations have on any new release is that of increasing the disappointment. Probably the greatest thing that's happened in the realm of music since Radiohead said "Hey, our new album is absolutely nothing like all the stuff we've done that made you love us" was when Radiohead said "Hey, we finished our new album that you weren't even really sure that we were working on and we're releasing it tomorrow. Also, you can download it for nothing." Remember that? Maybe the coolest thing ever. Last week marked the 2nd time Girl Talk has done it since then. I didn't post it then because all the traffic created a wormhole on their label's website, and any efforts to download it would have been fruitless anyway. Things seem pretty stable now though, and they've even posted multiple mirrors in case it happens again. Oh, and the album itself? It's called All Day, and it totally lives up to the expectations that you didn't get to have.
Just thought this was extremely relevant because of the resurface of a certain person who shall not be named. I will give hints though. He went off on a flurry of posts earlier, even though it could almost be called a 'fury'. Although not much has really happened since his vaporization into wherever, I really would like to clue this individual into a few things that occurred since. First -
Belle and Sebastian came out with something new. Honestly, it's pretty much the standard from them but always enjoyable. Major highlight is the song with Norah Jones. Here ya go, Howard.
Belle & Sebastian - Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John (Feat. Norah Jones) by nixsantos
The next update has to be a little upbeat. I know Howard is a fan of this band but since he has been in Russia for the past 8 months I wanted to make sure he knew what was happening. I have pretty much stomped this band down the throat of Kyle for a bit now and, honestly, it's completely allowed because of their awesomeness. It's ok, Howard, we understand, just don't let it happen again. I'll give ya my personal fav.
!!! 08. Even Judas Gave Jesus A Kiss by imaginechris2
The next song I know you've heard. I posted it on my facebook page and I really didn't get the response I was hoping for. I know I have some sketchy tastes in tunes but, truthfully, don't we all? Just go with the flow and get the album from this band. Not disappointing in the least. I've heard worse from many better.
04 - Lovesick Teenagers by Spatziba
The next entry comes from someone I'm really not sure you have explored yet. They have an EP and are getting ready to blow people's heads off like Rambo here pretty soon with an LP. Our boy Washed Out did a super dope remix of one of their songs and they had a video on the Pitchfork.tv site. Which, of course, makes them the coolest of the cool. Enough booyah.
Small Black - Photojournalist by Ragged Words
The next song, HOWARD!!!!!!!, comes from the recommendation of Kyle. It has the beats every college chick dreams of, the rhymes every junior college basketball player understands, and the distortion all of us dorks enjoy.
Salem, "Trapdoor" by selftitledmag
Last, and certainly not least, I wanted to put this on here just to put some variety on here. Just go with it, Howard. It may not be your style but it rocks. Plus, you almost gave us carte blanche to post what we felt like. Why stop now? Meow?
Some of the People, All The Time by taurenhunter
This song is pretty decent but the main reason I put this up was for the cover art. Seriously!?! Just look at it. You'd think this was a poster for some terrible early 80's horror flick. I don't know. That's about it. Happy Friday!! P.S. - it's getting to be about that time. Start dusting off your copies of ELF and have your passion fruit spray close by.
FOE - A Handsome Stranger Called Death (Com Truise RMX) by Com Truise
This entry is entirely a census on the 'style' of music that you prefer. And when I say 'prefer' I mean the band(s) that you listen to as a standard and think, "Hey, you know what? I'm in a good mood, I'm ready to rock and I really don't care what you think". Not necessarily a guilty pleasures type of thing but your 'go-to' staples when you can't think of anything else. Just to get the party started I'll give you mine. Hopefully, it's not that terrible when it comes to the public opinion but that's kinda the whole point. Name whatever is on your mix-tape to yourself or playlist that you wish everyone else loved. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna name the bands that EVERY TIME I listen to them I literally get chills. You know it happens to you. I can't be the only one. And here we go -
Hot Water Music - anything on No Division and before; literally impossible to recreate that much intensity/passion/hate into music - no question. NO QUESTION!!! I honestly feel sorry for anyone who has not heard them. Conviction, loyalty, self-righteousness...you know what, find out for your damn self.
Minus the Bear - although it may not seem like it could rock the house from the first time you listen to it but you really cannot argue with the...the...absolute filthyness. Just listen to 'Houston, We Have Uh-Oh' or 'Absinthe At the Fly Honey Warehouse'. Your life will change positively.
Passion Pit - honestly, there is no way in hell that anyone on the planet or any planet we know of that could listen to any of their songs and not have a smile forced on his/her face.
Every Time I Die - I really dig these fellas and the main reason is because they just love to rock. There are no songs on any album that try to change the pace to try to keep people interested. It's just straight up rock. No excuses and no suckers. Like it or leave it - they really don't care.
Alkaline Trio - I'm gonna limit this entry to the albums 'Goddamnit' and 'Maybe I'll Catch Fire' because that is pretty much the only thing they should have put out. Stable punk-ish roots, great vocals, and un-recreatable (is that a word? for sure) drumming. Glenn Porter can almost carry a band.
List whatever is on your mind. This is an open post. Nobody cares what you put. Maybe. Lady Gaga is banned. No exceptions. She is the only one. Queen counts, so does Limp Bizkit, and even ABBA. Just no Lady Gaga. Have at it and raise one up with me. (This picture has nothing to do with this post. I just thought that it is impossible to go wrong with G.O.B.)
Also, just ran across this fella. He does some really dope remixes and also has his own stuff. Again, I would post some mp3's but your best bet is just to go to the website and download all of his tracks...and some waffle fries...for free. It'll take 3 minutes of your day and will totally be worth it. Cheers.
Please excuse the awkward title - wait, sorry, actually just accept it because that is pretty much the perfect way to start off a post about !!! or Chk Chk Chk, if you please. They just came out with a new LP Strange Weather, Isn't It? a couple weeks ago that has helped me get reacquainted with the dance/funk/punk/rock group. It really is somewhat difficult to try to describe them with words, at least if you've ever listened to them. Their music and live performance is right in tune with the punctuation mark that they have so aptly named themselves after. Honestly, their name comes from some movie I remember watching in 8th grade called "The Gods Must Be Crazy", but I'd prefer to think that they were just trying to come up with a name that describes their style/energy. After reading up on them recently, its pretty phenomenal that they keep putting out the same style of music, much less, even remaining a functioning musical organism. Two of their past members have left this life in pretty tragic circumstances and yet they still keep on pumpin' the jams. Truthfully, this is probably the only band I can think of where you could pick up any of their releases and get the same product as another of their albums. With most bands that wouldn't be a good thing (well, depends on if you're into the jam band thing) but with !!! its probably the best thing. I just checked out their tour schedule and thankfully they will be coming to my town cause these guys are one of the top 10 shows I've seen. I'll put up a couple hooks to get you caught on. (Sorry, tried to put only the mp3's up via the Yahoo Media Player but I didn't major in computer building.)
A New Name
P.S. - why do 3/4 of music videos consist of people putting together the biggest pile of crap? Just edit live shows like they did with the ballads of the 80's hair bands. Those were awesome.
Wow, the coolest band around took advantage of an opportunity last night to incorporate members of what is possibly the second coolest band out there into their live performance of slow burner "Nobody Gets Me But You". And the results are absolutely filthy good. Dueling bassists, ?uestlove providing auxiliary percussion, and the massive payoff when they all finally cut loose result in something that is flat out too spectacular not to watch at least twice. Sorry about the advertisements, but this is flippin' awesome:
So what if the movie is based on an overblown game of laser-tag? Daft Punk are bringing their "A" game, and that's almost enough to make this endeavor legitimate in itself. Based on this 10-minute musical teaser, they are wisely making a shift back towards the glory days of Discovery. In other good news, it's sounding like there's a very real possibility that this is going to involve some sort of double-album. Lucky us:
Perhaps it would have been more fitting for Arcade Fire to name their 16-track, hour (plus)-long album after this single instead, but that's a forgivable offense when these guys (& gals) have reeled off their 3rd ridiculously good album in as many tries. In fact, their uniqueness and ability to turn out such consistent greatness have planted them firmly in territory that is inhabited by very few artists these days. The Suburbs is out tomorrow. Go get it.
Lofty ambitions aren't for everybody (I'm looking at you, ...Trail of Dead), and it appears Interpol have come to this realization before swerving too far off their own beaten path. They've defected from the evil empire (Capitol Records), ditched the artsy record covers, and put away the unnecessary instrumentation. Not sure if this return to the comforts of home (they're back with Matador) or the back to basics attitude will pay off, but at least there's hope.
It can be a difficult task to take these guys seriously at times. Lead singer Tim Harrington is a flat-out squirrel, and he looks goofier than he acts. But there's no question that Les Savy Fav can turn out an old school, straight forward indie rock song with the best of them. If you need proof, look no further than the new single from Root For Ruin, "Let's Get Out of Here." Give a listen below, and enter your email even further below if you'd like to get a free copy for yourself to take home and show your parents. The new album rolls out September 14th on Frenchkiss.
Not really sure if anyone has ever actually taken this band seriously. They really are something to admire. The glue that holds these people together is something stronger than just the music. Stronger than love. Stronger than blood. Nobody can really quite put their finger on what it is but we all should feel lucky to have them around. They just keep it simple. Simple like one of those old blues artists where it was just one person-one guitar. Its just so easy to feel the joy, the pain, or the chemically induced sense of joy. See and hear for yourself.
Ya know, I had an obscene diatribe consisting of why anyone and everyone should absolutely love and admire The Cure but it just turned out to be a mindless sermon that everyone would just dismiss. So I condensed my thoughts into this. If you have your reservations or disgust on anything in the goth realm keeping you from this band then forget them. Cause basically every band you listen to right now or ever have has had The Cure as an influence. Very confident to say that. I know, I think of Chris Kattan in the SNL skit 'Goth Talk' whenever I think about The Cure too but there is way more than that behind Robert Smith. Way more. Completely unrecognized musical pioneer/genius. Not sure where 'The Head on the Door' or 'Disintegration' rank on Rolling Stone's best albums list but who really cares. What do they know? Can't rant anymore. Can only post songs. Might take up a whole page in this blog but well deserved. We'll go through a quick timeline.
SIX DIFFERENT WAYS (totally boss song mixed with a totally boss movie. sorry about volume)
INBETWEEN DAYS (probably 15 covers)
CLOSE TO ME (probably 30 covers)
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