Daily Dose: Gun Pwns Girl
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Posted this track last week in "Daily!" because I was so pumped about it, but evidently the link is broken, so we're gonna have another go at it. Plus, this basically has to be a "Track of the Week". In fact, I'd be pretty shocked if it doesn't end up as the track of the summer. Yeah, it's that good:
A lot can be written about these guys, and it already has, as their sound seems to lend itself to comparisons with every other "synth-rock" act that's out there. Pitchfork basically likens Manners to the album that would have existed if MGMT's Oracular Spectacular hadn't filled in the gaps between hit tracks with worthless material. I don't know if I agree with any of that statement (including the jab at Oracular); they remind me more of Black Kids, other than the fact that they managed to make a spectacular LP after a super-buzzed-about EP. Bottom line: pretty much every song on this album is single-worthy, and if you like "Sleepy Head", you're probably going to dig all 45 minutes of Manners:
"The best part was when I found the candy in my pocket."
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Could have done with out the "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" intro, but it's hard not to be really impressed by the rest of this:
New Scorcese thriller set in the 1950s that stars Leonardo DiCaprio, takes place on an island full of the criminally insane, and is more than likely going to be ridiculously good. It hits theaters in October:
Via The Soup Blog:
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