Fikaked: March!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
1. I can't figure out why, but some people just can't get into Junior Boys. Personally, Begone Dull Care is probably my favorite album so far this year, and Begone tracks "Hazel" and "Bits and Pieces" are two of the best tracks I've heard in 2009.
2. Sagarmatha is the record that The Appleseed Cast should have made about 6 or 7 years ago. Not that I didn't enjoy Two Conversations and Peregrine, but it's been a long wait for an actual follow-up to Low Level Owl. "The Summer Before" and "As the Little Things Go" are serious standouts.

4. From what I've seen, the first month of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon has gone ok. I just keep thinking how awkward Late Night was when Conan first started out. It'll be interesting to see how things go as Jimmy keeps getting more comfortable, and his old friends stop showing up to do him favors.

5. I thought Watchmen was a pretty decent movie, and parts of it were really well done, but I've got a few complaints as well. The biggest problem I had with it was the length. 3 hours is just an excruciating amount of time to try and sit in one spot. Not that they should have necessarily cut a bunch of stuff out, it's complicated enough to understand as it is. However, it might've been more digestible in two parts, and without the 5 minute, completely unnecessary sex scene. Also, the amount of blue genitalia was overwhelming. I know there's a point behind it, but it could've been done a bit more subtly; as is it's pretty distracting.
6. The Soup rules. Long live Joel McHale.

9. Phoenix is a French Pop/Rock band who has a knack for writing those songs that are catchy enough to appeal to just about anyone who likes music. You've heard them if you've seen the movie Shallow Hal (you know, the part where Jack Black is getting down with all the large women on the dance floor). Their new album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, is probably the best thing they've ever done, and "1901" would probably be my track of the year for 2009 if I had to pick one right now. I don't see anyone beating them out for album title of the year, either.
10. Discovery Health, easily the most depressing/disturbing channel on television, has a show called I Didn't Know I was Pregnant. The women literally have no idea they're pregnant until the kid starts popping out. Seriously, what is wrong with people?
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