"W" 7th Worst... For Now

Monday, February 16, 2009

C-Span conducted a survey of 65 historians for a President's Day list, which ranks all 42 former presidents from best to worst. You can see the entire list here.

It's way too early to tell where George W. is going to settle in at, but my guess is it definitely won't be 36th. His legacy probably won't be determined until at least the end of Obama's (possibly) first term, and it'll probably take longer. Only time will tell how favorably (or unfavorably) history looks back on his presidency, but I'm honestly surprised he's ranked as highly as he is at this point. I'm also shocked that he was actually ranked behind the guy (Hoover) that did absolutely nothing when the stock market crashed and the unemployment rate skyrocketed to 25% at the onset of the Great Depression.

In a totally unsurprising move, the surveyed historians ranked Abraham Lincoln as America's greatest president. Ironically, his term was sandwiched between those of the two presidents ranked at the very bottom of the list. Will G.W. Bush be the Buchanan to Obama's Lincoln? I guess we'll see...

Entertainment Weekly also posted a list of the ten greatest TV/Movie presidents of all time. Anybody else wonder where we'd be if 24's David Palmer was running the show the last eight years?


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