Is This Thing On?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Been a while; anybody still out there? Here's a list of some things that don't suck. Been a pretty decent summer:
Bon Iver Bon Iver*
Battles Gloss Drop
The Cars Move Like This
Explosions in the Sky Take Care, Take Care*
Foo Fighters Wasting Light
Junior Boys It's All True
Maritime Human Hearts
Release the Sunbird Come Back to Us
Mock Orange Disguised as Ghosts
The Sea and Cake Moonlight Butterfly
Washed Out Within and Without
The Wooden Birds Two Matchsticks
Friday Night Lights* (TV) - May not be new to you, but it is to me.
Shark Week
Captain America: The First Avenger
Super 8
Have given in to the realization that Cowboys & Aliens isn't going to be mind-blowingly awesome, but I'm holding out hope it's going to be fun. Let you know after tomorrow...
*If you don't like this Album/Show/Movie, listen to/watch it again, and try harder. If that doesn't work for you, get your head checked.