TVOTR are back!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Booyakasha. They're dropping their new album Nine Types of Light "this spring".

Black History Month

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's about effing time! So this is pretty much the perfect segue into the month of February... rumors of a band reuniting who have a song titled "Black History Month". It had to have been planned out all like this. I'm just glad they didn't wait till 2079 or something like that.

Go. Read. Get pumped. But not too pumped. If you can read between the lines you can see this beautiful ray of light shining through that has been created with "Blood on Our Hands" out of a "Dead Womb" and has produced "Sexy Results". Kinda gross, but it's not my fault. Lates, brahs.

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