This entry is entirely a census on the 'style' of music that you prefer. And when I say 'prefer' I mean the band(s) that you listen to as a standard and think, "Hey, you know what? I'm in a good mood, I'm ready to rock and I really don't care what you think". Not necessarily a guilty pleasures type of thing but your 'go-to' staples when you can't think of anything else. Just to get the party started I'll give you mine. Hopefully, it's not that terrible when it comes to the public opinion but that's kinda the whole point. Name whatever is on your mix-tape to yourself or playlist that you wish everyone else loved. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna name the bands that EVERY TIME I listen to them I literally get chills. You know it happens to you. I can't be the only one. And here we go -
Hot Water Music - anything on No Division and before; literally impossible to recreate that much intensity/passion/hate into music - no question. NO QUESTION!!! I honestly feel sorry for anyone who has not heard them. Conviction, loyalty, self-righteousness...you know what, find out for your damn self.
Minus the Bear - although it may not seem like it could rock the house from the first time you listen to it but you really cannot argue with the...the...absolute filthyness. Just listen to 'Houston, We Have Uh-Oh' or 'Absinthe At the Fly Honey Warehouse'. Your life will change positively.
Passion Pit - honestly, there is no way in hell that anyone on the planet or any planet we know of that could listen to any of their songs and not have a smile forced on his/her face.
Every Time I Die - I really dig these fellas and the main reason is because they just love to rock. There are no songs on any album that try to change the pace to try to keep people interested. It's just straight up rock. No excuses and no suckers. Like it or leave it - they really don't care.
Alkaline Trio - I'm gonna limit this entry to the albums 'Goddamnit' and 'Maybe I'll Catch Fire' because that is pretty much the only thing they should have put out. Stable punk-ish roots, great vocals, and un-recreatable (is that a word? for sure) drumming. Glenn Porter can almost carry a band.
List whatever is on your mind. This is an open post. Nobody cares what you put. Maybe. Lady Gaga is banned. No exceptions. She is the only one. Queen counts, so does Limp Bizkit, and even ABBA. Just no Lady Gaga. Have at it and raise one up with me. (This picture has nothing to do with this post. I just thought that it is impossible to go wrong with G.O.B.)