Monday, September 13, 2010

Also, just ran across this fella. He does some really dope remixes and also has his own stuff. Again, I would post some mp3's but your best bet is just to go to the website and download all of his tracks...and some waffle fries...for free. It'll take 3 minutes of your day and will totally be worth it. Cheers.


Please excuse the awkward title - wait, sorry, actually just accept it because that is pretty much the perfect way to start off a post about !!! or Chk Chk Chk, if you please. They just came out with a new LP Strange Weather, Isn't It? a couple weeks ago that has helped me get reacquainted with the dance/funk/punk/rock group. It really is somewhat difficult to try to describe them with words, at least if you've ever listened to them. Their music and live performance is right in tune with the punctuation mark that they have so aptly named themselves after. Honestly, their name comes from some movie I remember watching in 8th grade called "The Gods Must Be Crazy", but I'd prefer to think that they were just trying to come up with a name that describes their style/energy. After reading up on them recently, its pretty phenomenal that they keep putting out the same style of music, much less, even remaining a functioning musical organism. Two of their past members have left this life in pretty tragic circumstances and yet they still keep on pumpin' the jams. Truthfully, this is probably the only band I can think of where you could pick up any of their releases and get the same product as another of their albums. With most bands that wouldn't be a good thing (well, depends on if you're into the jam band thing) but with !!! its probably the best thing. I just checked out their tour schedule and thankfully they will be coming to my town cause these guys are one of the top 10 shows I've seen. I'll put up a couple hooks to get you caught on. (Sorry, tried to put only the mp3's up via the Yahoo Media Player but I didn't major in computer building.)


A New Name

P.S. - why do 3/4 of music videos consist of people putting together the biggest pile of crap? Just edit live shows like they did with the ballads of the 80's hair bands. Those were awesome.

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