12:30 am Soapbox

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ya know, I had an obscene diatribe consisting of why anyone and everyone should absolutely love and admire The Cure but it just turned out to be a mindless sermon that everyone would just dismiss. So I condensed my thoughts into this. If you have your reservations or disgust on anything in the goth realm keeping you from this band then forget them. Cause basically every band you listen to right now or ever have has had The Cure as an influence. Very confident to say that. I know, I think of Chris Kattan in the SNL skit 'Goth Talk' whenever I think about The Cure too but there is way more than that behind Robert Smith. Way more. Completely unrecognized musical pioneer/genius. Not sure where 'The Head on the Door' or 'Disintegration' rank on Rolling Stone's best albums list but who really cares. What do they know? Can't rant anymore. Can only post songs. Might take up a whole page in this blog but well deserved. We'll go through a quick timeline.


SIX DIFFERENT WAYS (totally boss song mixed with a totally boss movie. sorry about volume)


INBETWEEN DAYS (probably 15 covers)

CLOSE TO ME (probably 30 covers)




The Cure High

rUmPeLsTiLtSkIn | MySpace Video


Party of Helicopters

Monday, June 7, 2010

Forgive me if this is old news to you but, WOAH DUDE! These guys were incredible. They were a band from the late 90s to early 2000s. My good friend Roy (who knows EVERYTHING about music) just turned me on to these guys last weekend and I feel like I've wasted at least 7 years of my life. I've got a fever for math rock and the only prescription is more Party of Helicopters. Yikes. Anyway, the song is "The Good Punk", it's from their last album in 2003, "Please Believe It". The whole thing is phenomenal. I'd suggest finding it. It really reminds me of things like Other Men, The Ladies, maybe Q and Not U. The vocals, at least, have a bit of a Rob Crow feel to them. Have ya a listen!

Party of Helicopters - The Good Punk

Kyle's Favorite Band does Colbert

Saturday, June 5, 2010

You must've accidentally left this out during your posting orgy the other day, brosef:

The Colbert Report
Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Vampire Weekend - Holiday
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

TGI Ugly Casanova

Thursday, June 3, 2010

2 new Ugly Casanova songs from the upcoming 180 South documentary soundtrack. I can't wait for this to come out. I've been having dreams where I'm at school surrounded by people and I look down to find out I am wearing no clothes. Thank goodness for cliches. The teacher notices, turns into Isaac Brock, points to the door, says "Sha-shaw, sha-shaw!" in the voice of Dale Gribble, and as the whiskey bottle he whips at me hits me right in the face I wake up. I'm hoping maybe it'll come true one day. The DVD comes out on June 8th, the soundtrack on June 22nd. Check em out dawg!

Ugly Casanova - Lay Me Down

Isaac Brock / Ugly Casanova - Here's to Now

2 New Arcade Fire Songs!

Here are 2 new Arcade Fire songs from a new 12" single featuring the songs "The Suburbs" and "Month of May". These songs will also appear on the forthcoming album called "The Suburbs". The album is set to come out on August 3rd, 2010 on Merge Records. It's about damn time.

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Arcade Fire - Month of May

Dirty Projectors Cover Dylan

Levi's Jeans is currently sponsoring a series of free downloads featuring artists covering old songs they've been inspired by. This is the Dirty Projectors playing Bob Dylan's "I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine". Seems like a pretty cool deal. You can check out and download all the songs so far here.

Dirty Projectors - "I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine"

No Age: New Live Songs

So here are some brand new live songs from No Age. They were recorded by Ashtapes, a Portuguese concert recording blog. Totally check it out, there is some really cool stuff there. Apparently the songs don't even have names yet, and according to Sub Pop, they will be releasing a new album very soon. Anyway, here is a link to where you can listen to the songs. And you can also download them all here. Enjoy!

2 Semi-New Wolf Parade Songs!

I say semi-new because I'm basically just a little late on this one, but here you go anyway! 2 new song from Wolf Parade's new album "Expo 86". It comes out on Sub Pop, June 29th, 2010.

Wolf Parade - Ghost Pressure

Wolf Parade - What Did My Lover Say? (It Always Had to be this Way)

Kanye - Power

New track called "Power" from Kanye West feat. Dwele. I think it's pretty good, but has a really strange sample from King Crimson's "21st Century Schizoid Man". I'm just confused about it thus far. I'm mostly not sure that it's needed at all in the song, but once again leave it to Kanye to confuse the shit out of people. But, like I said, it's pretty good. It is allegedly the first single from his new album entitled "Good Ass Job". No word on the release date yet, so keep your eyes peeled!

Kanye West - Power

New Track: Flying Lotus / Killer Mike "Swimming"

Pretty killer new track from Killer Mike produced by Flying Lotus. The track is called "Swimming". Not really sure, at this point, what album it's on, although Killer Mike has a new mixtape coming out called "I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind 3". So be on the lookout, or just listen to the song and be done with it. So icey.

Killer Mike / Flying Lotus - Swimming

I Like Free Stuff: How To Destroy Angels

If you don't know by now, How To Destroy Angels is the new project from Trent Reznor and his wife Mariqueen Maandig. The debut Ep is available on their website for free download now. Get it here!

Sorry for the Lull

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