TGIF: Passion Pit's "Sleepyhead"

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fikaked! Tracks: Delorean's "Deli"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Already posted one track from the Ayrton Senna ep last week. Thing is, pretty much all four five tracks are equally great. Here's "Deli". Enjoy:

Fikaked! Tracks: The Dodos' "Longform"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Straight off of Dodos upcoming second lp Time To Die, due out September 15. Pretty easy to identify some immediate differences from Visiter; namely a full band sound and the pumped up production levels of (The Shins/Fleet Foxes producer) Phil Ek. It's still obviously Dodos and every bit as enjoyable, though:

Fikaked! Tracks: Jay-Z, Imogen Heap, Megafaun, jj, Delorean, & Neon Indian

Friday, July 24, 2009

Another new track from the upcoming Blueprint 3, this one featuring Rihanna & Kanye. "Run This Town":

"Canvas" and "First Train Home" are two of the first tracks from Imogen's new album Ellipse to be released/leaked. The entire album comes out in late August:


"First Train Home":

"Guns" comes from Gather, Form, and Fly, the second album released by Megafaun, which is comprised of several guys that used to play with Justin Vernon (also known as Bon Iver). Good stuff:

"Masterplan" comes from jj's first lp, jj n° 2. Not much is known about these guys, except they're Swedish, and they make pop music sorta reminiscent of old school The Knife:

First of all, Delorean is an great name. Second of all, their new ep, Ayrton Senna, is full of awesome synthy new-wave pop. "Seasun" is the first track off that album:

Pitchfork really said it best about Neon Indians "Deadbeat Summer". It's swervy, cheesy, bedroom lap-pop that sounds like it's being listened to on an unraveling tape. I'm not one for gimmicks, but this song, like the rest of the tracks from the Psychic Chasms ep, is too catchy to ignore:

TGIF: Grizzly Bear's "While You Wait For The Others"

Fikaked! Tracks: Memory Tapes' "Bicycle"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So evidently there are two "bands" named Memory Cassette and Weird Tapes that sound very similar and may or may not be a front for the same guy. Well whoever or whatever they/he/she/it is (are), they/he/she/it have come together (?) to form a new project named Memory Tapes. Kind of an eerily good mix of The Rapture's funky disco punk and M83s new-wave indie rock. I just hope they make more music:

Edit (7/27/09): Pitchfork has just posted an interview with Dayve Hawk, the mystery man himself, here.

Track of the Week: Foreign Born's "Blood Oranges"

"Blood Oranges" is from Foreign Born's just-released (and favorably Pitchfork-reviewed) Person to Person. This track really sounds similar to Calla (one of my favorite bands from the early 2000s) but the rest of the album breaks from the "slow-core" trend:

Track of the Week: The Most Serene Republic's "Heavens to Purgatory"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Probably the most catchy track from The Most Serene Republic's just-released ... And The Ever Expanding Universe. The album was produced under the guidance of fellow label-mates Broken Social Scene, and you can definitely tell:

It's Been Busy, But We're Back...

Sorry for the lack of action around here lately; busy, busy. Keep checking back for new tracks, etc. Also, in the very near future I'll be posting my top albums of 2009 so far...

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