Fikaked! Tracks: Delorean's "Deli"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Already posted one track from the Ayrton Senna ep last week. Thing is, pretty much all
four five tracks are equally great. Here's "Deli". Enjoy:
Fikaked! Tracks: The Dodos' "Longform"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Straight off of Dodos upcoming second lp Time To Die, due out September 15. Pretty easy to identify some immediate differences from Visiter; namely a full band sound and the pumped up production levels of (The Shins/Fleet Foxes producer) Phil Ek. It's still obviously Dodos and every bit as enjoyable, though:
Fikaked! Tracks: Jay-Z, Imogen Heap, Megafaun, jj, Delorean, & Neon Indian
Friday, July 24, 2009
Another new track from the upcoming Blueprint 3, this one featuring Rihanna & Kanye. "Run This Town":

Fikaked! Tracks: Memory Tapes' "Bicycle"
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Edit (7/27/09): Pitchfork has just posted an interview with Dayve Hawk, the mystery man himself, here. Read more...
Track of the Week: Foreign Born's "Blood Oranges"
"Blood Oranges" is from Foreign Born's just-released (and favorably Pitchfork-reviewed) Person to Person. This track really sounds similar to Calla (one of my favorite bands from the early 2000s) but the rest of the album breaks from the "slow-core" trend:
Track of the Week: The Most Serene Republic's "Heavens to Purgatory"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's Been Busy, But We're Back...
Sorry for the lack of action around here lately; busy, busy. Keep checking back for new tracks, etc. Also, in the very near future I'll be posting my top albums of 2009 so far...